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When you are investing in a new website, it is important to consider the content, as well as the design, to have it ranked highly by search engines. The layout of your pages will enhance your visitor’s journey so they will want to learn more about your company, but the benefit of good content is that it will be meaningful, of quality, will keep users engaged and give them the desire to take action. 
If your content has value to the user and meets search engine standards your evident expertise will make your website worth ranking. 

Quality Content writing 

Website content writing is a profession that is known as copywriting and a good copywriter can help your website be ranked more highly by search engines than that of your competitors, who may have written their website themselves. 
They will know Google guidelines for SEO quality content, have researched the keywords for your industry and incorporate them in copy for your pages, thus optimising them for search engines. 

Google Guidelines 

According to the Search Engine Journal only 10% of web pages are ranked, helping to drive organic traffic to websites. 
This means that 90% aren’t ranked. 
That’s why it’s important to keep the Google guidelines in mind when you are writing blogs and web pages. 
Your content needs to be: 
Informative for your ideal customer 
Be unique 
Created by a trustworthy expert 
Derive from a legitimate organisation with a good reputation 
Be updated regularly. 

What is YMYL 

The phrase “Your money or your life” (YMYL) is used by search engines to refer to quality content that is written in such an authoritative way that it has the power to influence the reader to take an action connected with their money or life. 
Google considers that “low-quality YMYL pages could potentially negatively impact a person’s happiness, health, financial stability, or safety,” so they are monitored frequently. 


Be aware that Google recently updated its guidelines and the requirement for quality content to tick the boxes of E-A-T and show expertise, authority and trustworthiness.  
Sensitive topics are also penalised, so try to stick to the E-A-T rules. Try to ensure that your content is relevant, authentic and adds substantial value to your website users. Avoid just cramming your copy with keywords or general information, otherwise Google may take action against your domain and decide not to rank it at all. 

Using keywords or phrases 

The important words that your target audience type into search engines are the SEO keywords or phrases for that topic. It is advisable to find out the keywords for your industry and include them where possible in the title, in subheadings and in the content to optimise them for search engines. 

Ensure your copy is proofread 

It is well-known that copywriters and designers don’t always spot misspelt words, poor punctuation, or grammatical errors in their own work. Always ask another person to proofread your copy for you, to ensure it is of high quality and looks professional. There are tools, like Grammarly, that will also help you correct your copy. 

Use of facts and figures 

If you quote any facts or figures in your written copy or infographics, check for accuracy before publishing it. This is another standard of quality that Google is now using to rate website content. 

Create a style guide 

Nothing puts web users off more than a wall of copy. Try to break your copy up into short bite-size paragraphs, with headings and bullet points when needed. 
Big brands often create a style guide to ensure everything produced under their logo is written in the same style, using the same typeface and at the same size. As your company grows, it might be worth creating your own style guide. 


There are various tools you can use to ensure your content is of a high quality like Contentseochecker and the Yoast SEO plugin. Leading Motion hopes you have found this blog about writing quality content helpful. If you have any questions, get in touch. 
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