What Are Call To Actions?
Call To Actions (CTAs) are a very important part not only of your website but also your marketing strategy. This blog aims to simplify CTAs by letting you understand what they are and how to get the best results when using them.
A Call to Action to your way of telling people what you want them to do. They are clear messages that make it straightforward to do the following,
Buy from you
Recommend you
Leave a review
Ask a question
These messages can take the form of a button or a link making it super easy to take the action and engage with you and your business.
To strengthen your CTAs and persuade website visitors and potential clients to engage think about who your audience are. If you are selling a bespoke item then your clients will probably want a consultation and time to finalise their order. Therefore, CTAs inviting questions and enquiries are probably much more appropriate than Buy Now buttons. Conversely, if you are selling off the shelf items that shift in bulk then CTAs telling people how to buy and where, are the key to turning browsers into buyers. Whatever your business, you can motivate website visitors into taking action by using language that will appeal to them. For example, do you want them to 'Explore Our Special Offers' or 'Subscribe To Receive Our Free Guide'. The possibilities are endless when you start thinking about the words that you can use to enhance these CTAs.
It is important to consider your website design and the user experience when placing CTAs on your website. It may be tempting to splatter bright buttons everywhere but actually when you consider user experience, your content naturally flows and so too will your CTAs. If you need advice or want to take away what can feel like the hassle of website structure, then we can help. Call To Actions are the tip of the iceberg and we would build these into any website strategy for you. Contact Us today for a free no obligation consultation.
Tagged as: Call To Actions, New Website Design
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