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Small businesses can boost their profile by gaining followers on social media, using hashtags. This simple but effective tool can help to improve rates of engagement and the quality and quantity of website traffic and views on your content. Today, we are going to talk about daily hashtags in particular. But first, what are hashtags? 
Hashtags are a like a little filing system in the world of some of the main social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. They are, as it says on the tin the hashtag symbol # followed by your announcement or search term. As you can imagine, this really is all encompassing and leaves much room for interpretation. Are you looking for #webdesignerinessex, #leadingmotion, #colchesterwebdesign, #essexwebsites, #bespokewebsite and so the list goes on. It is a bit like trying to get your website found on Google, there are so many search terms and so much competition. That is why we wanted to talk about daily hashtags, as they trend on different days and are popular choices. If you can find hashtags that fit your brand then you can start using them. 
Daily hashtags are as follows and need to be used in line with your business. So a yoga instructor is unlikely to use #techtuesday and more likely to use #fitnessfriday! 
#MondayMotivation #MotivationMonday #MondayBlues #MarketingMonday #MusicMonday #MeatlessMonday #MaxoutMonday #MindfulMonday #MancrushMonday (or #MCM) #MondayFunday #ManicMonday 
#TravelTuesday #TransformationTuesday #TipTuesday #TechTuesday #TuesdayTasting #TuesdayShoesday #GoodNewsTues #TuesdayTunes #TakeMeBackTuesday #TastyTuesday 
#WomancrushWednesday (or #WCW) #Humpday #WorkoutWednesday #WisdomWednesday #WellnessWednesday #WayBackWednesday #WoofWednesday #Winesday #WineWednesday #WackyWednesday #WomenWednesday #WinItWednesday #WonderfulWednesday 
#ThrowbackThursday (or #TBT) #ThankfulThursday #Thursdate #ThoughtfulThursday #ThursdayThoughts #TGIT (Thank God It’s Thursday) 
#FlashBackFriday #FearlessFriday #FashionFriday #FictionFriday #FridayReads #FollowFriday (or #FF) #FeatureFriday #FitnessFriday #FridayFun #FridayNight #FactFriday #FreebieFriday #TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) 
#Caturday #SaturdayStyle #SaturdaySweat #SaturdaySpecial #SaturdaySale #SaturdayNight #SaturdayNightFever #SaturdayShoutOut (or #SS) #salessaturday 
#SundayFunday #SundayRead #SpotlightSunday #StartupSunday #SundaySweat #SelfieSunday #WeekendVibes #ScienceSunday #SundayBrunch 
We would recommend, certainly to start with, targeting a couple of daily hashtags each week. If you need more help with your strategy and are looking to partner with a local company then please contact us... 
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