Online Shops In Focus
Here at Leading Motion, Colchester HQ we have been looking at order activity across our Shop sites. We thought you might be interested to know that the total number of orders across all of our Shop websites combined, has roughly tripled since the lockdown started.
In particular, our clients selling sweet treats, fruit and vegetables, cooking supplies, and plants have all seen a large increase in demand for their products. This comes as no surprise since many more people are online, browsing and also looking for ways to shop without coming into contact with others. Whilst there has been a rush for many businesses to start selling online since March, what have those who had a head start and who were already seasoned online sellers been doing to boost trade?
We only need to look at Olivers Plants Facebook page to get a sense of how hard the team are working to safely fulfill and deliver orders. It is wonderful to think that people can take pleasure in gardening at this tense time. They will remember the excellent service from this local Colchester seller and use them for years to come.
Many like Ruby and the Angel are offering free postage to entice people to buy their wonderful products. Lots of online sellers are offering freebies right now as a way to engage their audiences. We have seen some great competitions and free downloads, which show that initiatives can work if executed correctly. We also like the latest blog on Ruby and the Angel, detailing plans for reopening, hygiene regimes and a big dose of reassurance to the local community. This is massively important and will mean a great deal to patrons who will feel in safe hands when they physically visit the shop. Google also loves new unique content, so blogging in this way is fantastic for your website's ranking.
Companies who are showing rather than telling, persuade clients to get involved and make them think, 'oh right I want to get on board with that'. Local Colchester based Framewerks and Artwerks have captured our attention and have shown us on social media how they are using video to consult and service clients. They have also launched pledge initiatives for gift voucher schemes, meaning that if people buy now they gain later in terms of the value of the voucher. The ingenuity and strength of these kind of schemes really shines through and turns browsers into buyers.
At Personal Images, who provide beautiful engraved gift ware, they have kept their clients informed by adding a pop up message to their website. This reassures customers that they can still order and that as a company they are working safely and within government guidelines. Ethics are really important for consumers, who are in lockdown and want to know that others are doing the same. Even outside of the the current landscape it is always important to share your company's social responsibility goals and achievements.
A regular and relevant social media campaign can capture peoples' attention gain you clicks on your website. We like Essential Vintage's posts on Instagram @essential_vintage_, showcasing products like sunglasses, which people are likely to be buying right now. Market, market, market because its a competitive world out there and the sharing and likes that social media can harness cannot be beaten.
We have heard fantastic feedback from the trade industry on Trade Paint and their safe process for supplying the trade during this lockdown period. Many tradespeople found themselves in a position to work safely, on empty properties for example, but could not use their usual merchants. Trade Paint, being local and closed to the public were able to take orders and allocate time slots for collection ensuring social distancing.
So if ever there was a time to get online and sell online, it is now! Please get in touch to discuss your project and we can tell you how we can meet your needs. We are local to Colchester and offer face to face consultations normally. At the moment we are doing lots of video consultations, so we can still operate as normal. Happy browsing!
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