Create A Membership Area On Your Website
We are seeing more and more of our clients creating memberships areas on their websites. From online fitness classes to staff administration areas, anything goes!
We can create different layers of protection or even user groups. This could be super effective if your team are working from home and you need your staff to access documents centrally but securely. More so website owners are moving online to provide their services. We have seen virtual karate, pilates and beauty pages where people can join from home for exclusive content, classes and much more.
Getting people through the lockdown will make you very memorable and could mean much more loyalty and custom from them in the future. If you post videos to your membership area, your clients can refer to them at any time and you are giving them convenience.
If you are sharing forms or documents with staff then you are also saving them or yourself the time of looking for them. Therefore, increasing efficiency and saving time all round.
For membership areas, password protected areas and much more please contact us for a conversation.
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